How to use GiN?


  • Shop & Drop

Shop & drop is our most popular feature! It's a personal shopping experience complete with our exemplary same day delivery service! This service gives our customers the opportunity to avoid shopping crowds, long lines and putting on shoes! You stay home and let us do the shopping at the store of your choice!



  • Pick & Drop

Pick & Drop is designed to give our customers a more personal experience that doesn’t involve shopping! We will pick up an item from your desired location and deliver it to another. For instance, did you leave an important item at your friend's house? No problem! Give us a pick up location and detailed description of what needs to be transported and we will have it on your doorstep in NO TIME!





*GiN Delivers LLC does NOT  partake in any type of distribution of narcotics or any illegal substance. Violators account will be  deactivated indefinitely and reported to authorities, please see Terms and conditions*